Analyzing Small Sample Experimental Data
Session 1: Introduction to small n-studies, experimental design, and statistical inference [Slides - Part 1] [Slides - Part 2] [Stata do-file] [R run-file]
Session 2: How to make the estimation of treatment effects more robust: Non-parametric methods I [Slides] [Stata do-file] [R run-file]
Session 3: How to make the estimation and display of conditional treatment effects more robust: Non-parametric methods II [Slides] [Stata do-file] [R run-file]
Session 4: Evaluating tests and estimators: Simulations and re-sampling [Slides] [Stata do-file] [R run-file]
Teaching data sets: [fake data] [GSS small sample]
Note: I am still developing these materials, if you have comments, please email me!