I study political and economic behavior in representative democracies with a special focus on how social identity relationships influence citizens' choices. My work lies at the intersection of Political Economy, Political Behavior, Experimental Methods, and Political Psychology.
In my research I build on strategic and behavioral theories of voting, representation, and electoral accountability and implement experiments to analyze how individuals evaluate their politicians' performance, when they discriminate in favor of their social group, how they make redistributive allocation decisions, how they coordinate their choices with their peers when forming electoral coalitions, why structural discrimination arises and how to govern diverse societies.

Google Scholar Profile
ResearchGate Profile


The Immigration Discrimination Dilemma (with Mollie Gerver, Miranda Simon, Patrick Lown)
Ethics and Global Politics, forthcoming

How Political Representation Empowers Women (with Emily West)
Political Behavior, forthcoming
[Paper] [Data] [Replication files]

Cooperation through collective punishment and participation (with Friederike Mengel, Eric Mohlin, Simon Weidenholzer)
Political Science Research and Methods, 12(3), 2024
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

The Rhyme and Reason of Rebel Support: Exploring European Voters' Attitudes Towards Dissident MPs (with Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil)
Political Science Research and Methods, 12(2), 2024
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Proportional Immigration Enforcement (with Mollie Gerver and Patrick Lown)
Journal of Politics, 85(3), 2023
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Communicating the Rift: Voter Perceptions of Intra-Party Dissent in Parliaments (with Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil)
Journal of Politics, 85(1), 2023
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Follow the Majority? How Voters Coordinate Electoral Support to Secure Club Goods
Political Science Research and Methods, 10(30), 2022
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Understanding Causal Mechanisms in the Study of Group Bias (with Dimitri Landa)
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, 2022

Strategic Discrimination in Hierarchies (with Dimitri Landa)
Journal of Politics, 83(2), 2021
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Data]

Political Polarization and Selection in Representative Democracies (with Justin Valasek)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 168, 2019

Do Citizens Make Inferences from Political Candidate Characteristics When Aiming for Substantive Representation? (with Sveinung Arnesen and Mikael Johannesson)
Electoral Studies, 57, 2019
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Social Identity and Electoral Accountability (with Dimitri Landa)
American Journal of Political Science, 59 (3), 2015
[Paper] [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication Files]

Which Parties Can Lead Opinion? Experimental Evidence on Partisan Cue Taking in Multiparty Democracies (with Ted Brader and Joshua Tucker)
Comparative Political Studies, 46 (11), 2013
[Paper] [Replication Files (zipped)]

Book Chapters

Experimental Immigration Ethics (with Mollie Gerver and Patrick Lown)
prepared for Advances in Experimental Political Philosophy, edited by Matthew Lindauer, 2023

Experimental Research Design in the Study of Electoral Systems (with Joshua Tucker)
prepared for the Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems, edited by Erik Herron, Robert Pekkanen, Matthew Shugart, 2017

Working papers

The Role of Representation in Rebel Appeal: Why Voters Express Support for Parliamentary Dissent (with Jonathan Slapin)

Upward Representation Bias: How Voters Sustain Political Inequality (with Sveinung Arnesen, Mikael Johannesson, and Yvette Peters)

Alleviating Discrimination (with Dimitri Landa)

Central Bank Communication as Public Opinion? (with Nicole Baerg)

Social Heterogeneity and its Ambiguous Effect on Preferences for Redistribution
Work in Progress

Using Gratitude to Argue for Migrants' Rights (with Mollie Gerver, Patrick Lown, Miranda Simon)

Challenging the Challengers. Do Intra-Party Divisions Help Parties Fight Electoral Threats from New Parties? (with Lea Kartan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, Christopher Wratil)

Strategic Uncertainty and Group Bias (with Catherine Hafer and Dimitri Landa)

Persuasive Arguments in Public Opinion Formation (with Catherine Hafer and Dimitri Landa) 

Pathways to Representation in Developing Democracies (with Heidi Colleran)

Social Identity and the Attribution of Blame (with Daniel Müller)
